The world has been going through a pandemic situation. Last few months, it has changed everyone’s daily routine. Daily cases of the disease are continuing to rise all across the world. WHO updates much guidance to control and decrease the cases of COVID-19. The governments in different countries have been very proactive in trying to control the outbreak of a pandemic.
The COVID affected large and small businesses all over the world. During the time of COVID pandemic, world business economy fell down. The government introduced may plan to restart the businesses.
The logistics business affected very badly like any other business. On the second or third day of the lockdown, the movement and shipment fell by 70%-80%. The quick rise of COVID cases the logistics face challenges in terms of delay in delivery, investments, etc. Many countries restricted the shipment activities due to the pandemic.
Internally logistics business can be divided into two categories.
However, roadways are relatively less affected compared to airfreight and water freight. Trucking is also a critical mode of transportation during the crisis. Logistics faces huge challenges during the lockdown, the logistics operators can’t deliver the goods on time.
The global COVID-19 pandemic has forever changed customer attitude toward logistics operators. Even the small logistics industry they’ve short staff and delays with a lot of shipments at the time due to the less availability of transport, but the customers giving more support to the business. Some customers when desperate about the shipment and they understand the current situation and used to the cooperative.
In the future, we could hope to see a fast recovery in the logistics sector. Most country’s logistics recovered by 40%. Finally, What we need is that get together the logistics community and helping especially the small logistics sectors even after the difficult situation.
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