React JS is a free JavaScript library for creating user interfaces, most commonly for single-page and mobile apps. In React, a user interface is made up of components. Each of these elements is a user-defined Javascript function. These components accept props (properties) as inputs and return React elements that indicate how a piece of the UI (user interface) should appear in the response. The root node is a single HTML element that React applications are usually constructed around.
You’ve probably heard of React. React is the most popular JavaScript flavor, according to the “State of JavaScript 2020” poll. And, according to the Stack Overflow 2020 study, React is the second-most-loved frontend technology, trailing only ASP.NET—leaving React as the top JavaScript library.
React is a JavaScript library for developing modern applications that were released by Facebook in 2013. React is a view layer framework that can be used to create both web and mobile applications.
These are the characteristics that distinguish the React library from other frameworks and libraries when it comes to developing modern applications.
Because React elements are immutable (meaning they can’t be altered), the only method to “change” one is to render a new one on the screen. React keeps track of all these element changes in a Virtual DOM. The ReactDOM.render() method compares the real and virtual DOM elements, making as minimal changes as feasible, to render elements on the screen. In this diffing process, the ReactDOM always tries to avoid reloading the entire page, as illustrated below:
React builds a duplicate of your real DOM tree when your React app loads. Instead of re-rendering the entire real DOM tree whenever a state change occurs in your application, React first updates its virtual DOM with the new state.
Then, to figure out what needs to be modified, React compares its virtual DOM to your real DOM tree. Then it modifies your real DOM tree, but only the items that need to be modified, nothing else.
The React framework, unlike Angular and Vue, presents a new way of thinking about data flow.
MVC stands for Model View Controller in web development (Model View Controller). It’s an architectural pattern that breaks down an application into three key logical components: Model, View, and Controller. In Angular apps, the MVC architecture is frequently employed.
React Native is used by a number of large corporations. Facebook, Instagram, Shopify, Coinbase, Discord, Walmart, and other well-known Fortune 500 firms and hot new startups use it on a regular basis to reach millions of users — Facebook, Instagram, Shopify, Coinbase, Discord, Walmart, and so on. Just a few examples of firms that use React Native to power their apps and reach millions of users. If you are ready to begin a career as a React native developer, you will succeed in the future.
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